We take the current geopolitical situation seriously, but we are not distracted, we continue to do our work and we continue to support organisations that make a difference. In 2024, EUR 100,000 has been allocated for Blue-Yellow, EUR 10,000 for the initiative 4 Percent and EUR 5,000 for the NGO Stiprūs kartu.
When the war in Ukraine started in February 2022, we were not only with those who are fighting for freedom in our thoughts. In total, during 2022-2023, the INVL group allocated more than EUR 250 thousand to the organization Blue-Yellow, which aims to help the armed forces of Ukraine and civilians affected by the war.
After the COVID-19 pandemic hit Lithuania and the whole world, we decided to temporarily stop the development of new programs and direct our attention and funds to the support of organizations doing significant work. In 2020, we allocated EUR 100,000 in support, which was distributed to 3 organizations: Rūpestinga širdelė, Gydymo įstaigų paramos fondas and the Laisvės TV project Laikykitės, medikai
Significant positive things occur every day in society, you just have to stop and look around. The Positive Journal is a virtual home for the good things done by us all. The Positive Journal tried to let people know about the girl next door who saved a little dog, or the elderly man who tidies up neglected graves, or perhaps that person – the soul of his or her town – who brings the whole community together by organizing celebrations.
“Iniciatyvos fondas” (eng. Initiative Fund) has announced a national contest for pedagogues called “Nauja Ideja” (eng. New Idea), during which teachers, lecturers, kindergarten teachers and other pedagogues from all will have a chance to win literature on educational development. The purpose of this contest is to expand the opportunities for country’s pedagogues to apply new, innovative and globally acclaimed educational programs..
In 2014 Iniciatyvos Fondas organised a competition for secondary school (9-12 secondary schools and gymnasiums I-IV classes) students and high school students in Lithuania. The aim of the competition – to encourage young people to read and desire to excel. Participants in the contest had the opportunity to get the desired book, publication or subscriptio.
Iniciatyvos Fondas invited everyone to participate in a competition offering a theme for a long-term social initiative programme.
Purpose of the program is to attract attention, especially of youth to physical activity as to one of the sources of good being and mean of many illnesses’ prophylaxis. Basic and secondary schools and gymnasiums students are invited to participate in the program. Those wishing to participate have to fill by themselves participant form at “Iniciatyvos fondas” Internet site www.iniciatyvosfondas.lt and wait for pedometer arriving via mail
The goal of the “I’ll grow up active 2011” programme run by “Iniciatyvos fondas” in 2011 is to draw attention to the importance of physical activity among young people. The programme aims to shed the light on the lack of physical activity and its consequences, as well as encourage young people to change their passive lifestyle into an active and healthy one.
A person learns to be responsible, when he or she has a possibility to create something by his or her own hands and heart. Social initiative programme in 2010 is seeking to encourage schools and communities of Vilnius city to take a simple action and to plant a tree in the territory of the school or the place of living.
Programme in support of social initiative in 2009 were targeted at people, who were looking for knowledge, were constantly learning and developing. During the implementation of the programme “A book brings joy of knowledge. Let’s share” employess of Invalda group were encouraged to review their personal libraries and to give books to Lithuanian public libraries. The citizens of the capital city Vilnius were also invited to share their books. Invalda has also bought a significant number of absolutely new books.